Criminal Law – Croydon Crown Court
Legis Chambers / 0 Comments /Counsel Jerry Sodipe represented the defendant in a motoring offence case. Solicitors’ instructions were that a special reasons argument be canvassed on behalf of the defendant who was charged for the following offences namely :- driving whilst disqualified and driving without an insurance. Counsel was able to convince the court that the vehicle the defendant was driving belonged to his employers and genuinely believed the vehicle and all 4 other vehicles in the company fleet were insured. The Court agreed. As regards the driving whilst disqualified charge, the court was satisfied that there were special reasons why the defendant was driving whilst disqualified, having been disqualified without his knowledge by a magistrate’s court in West Sussex as far back as August 2021. The defendant was not disqualified and did not have to serve a custodial sentence.

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