Leave Granted – Immigration Law
Legis Chambers / 0 Comments /Happy end to drawn-out case in which Nicholas Sadeghi was instructed by Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex & London. Home office issued conflicting decisions on validity of a marriage, affecting status of mother and child. Counsel made written submissions on unsustainability of SSHD’s position. SSHD given 3 adjournments in 6 months before conceding, with express undertaking to grant leave. Then reneged, issuing another refusal. Thanks to the brilliant work of Nick Beales at RaMFEL, opposing a new tide of adjournment/withdrawal applications, mother has been granted settlement and the child’s UK citizenship also recognised. RaMFEL diligently managed this case over 5 years, from application on. 3 Prime Ministers, all of Brexit, and a new immigration system have happened in the time the Home Office took to let client and child get on with their lives.